Chicago synopsis
Chicago Synopsis - Broadway musical
Two girls of dazzling appearance, each of which was the star of the scenes of various sizes, are found in the same block in prison, where they were jailed for murder that they have done. One of them, a luxurious curvaceous blonde named Roxie, killed her lover – the club frequenter, whom she has despite the presence of her husband – hard laborer that used to work 14 hours a day to ensure his dazzling wife had all she needed. The second, brunette of great importance, star of vaudevilles named Velma, killed her husband and sister, catching them in bed together.Events take place in Chicago during Prohibition of 1920, so elegant evening dress and men's suits are in fashion, white scarves and dazzling hairstyles.
Prioress of the prison, powerful dark-skinned patron decides to make Velma star again so that in the future, she was useful for her and looks lawyer named Billy Flynn, who did not lose a single such case yet, whom all the prisoners want to receive as a defensive attorney-in-law. But luck is a blue bird and flies not to all. Billie agrees to protect Velma, they build the line of defense and prepare for court. At this time, Roxie gradually moving closer to Velma and her lawyer, she receives the latter also, persuaded to pay her husband-bungler USD 5,000 for her defense. Last initially took the blame for the murder on him, but then, realizing that she shot not "a robber", as she told him, but a lover, he refused to accept the blame ("Funny Honey"). But being still in love, he gets the required money and pays the lawyer, so Billie began to defend Roxie.
In the course of the story, Roxie steals all the tricks, used by Velma for the journalists and becomes the star of the press, even inventing that she was pregnant. Her husband confirmed the pregnancy, sincerely believing it. Thanks to this, Velma gradually comes to wane when Roxie overshadows her and make herself the star number one in this prison. As she was a proud personality, she even forgets herself once and in a heat of anger fires her lawyer, quarreling with him. But she had been sobering pretty quickly when she sees one of the prisoners of her block was executed.
At the trial, she does a demonstration play, emphasizing the fact that she is pregnant ("Me and My Baby") and saying that committed murder in the heat of passion, defending herself from an attacker, afraid not only for her life, but for baby’s. Turning everything brilliantly, her lawyer arranges Roxie acquitted. Afterwards, almost forgotten Velma gets liberation too, but it is not advertised the same as Roxie’s. We meet Velma some time later, when she is not a star anymore, having no regular job, and she even has torn stockings and shawl became shabby. Roxie's husband left her when he found out that there was no child. Roxie and Velma do a new vaudeville show together.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016