Camelot review
Camelot Review - Broadway musical
In spite of the classic story, it is something to criticize it for. For example, Merlin. He is represented to us at the very beginning of the musical as an assistant of King Arthur. But then, in just some fussy minutes, he is on the stage among the actors and all of his destiny is cut off with the fact that he gives in to some water nymph to stay forever sleeping in her slippery, wet and cold cave. Ugh. Merlin, the magic power of whom had almost no equal! However, let us assume that the nymph somehow won him. But why is this character must be represented to the viewer at the first place? To immediately withdraw him out of the game? What is the purpose fulfilled? Answer: no purpose.Next, we come to the fact that in the story there is a whole bunch of knights, of which we even know three or four names. But did somebody had the general care of the working-out of the characters of these knights? Among all of them, who are not King Arthur, we only know Lancelot, which is the main antagonist of our hero. By the way, Arthur generally presented here as a sort of ‘try-and-buy’ version of himself. Among all his obvious achievements that multiply in centuries as well as in the stories of his greatness and enormous prosperity of England under his wise leadership, in a musical his main achievement is presented as only the creation of the Round Table. That unites under its wings all the noblest knights. One thing is unclear. Where England at once took so many noble knights? Until such time, as the Round Table not existed, they were slobs and only dealt with twisting tails of each other in tournaments. And suddenly – only 5 years have passed and – countless hordes of them, as the selection of nobles and super-loyal to the King. For what? Because he just made some circle of interests, called it a Round Table, gave it a noble motto, attached lofty motives and that’s it? Okay, so it can start. But would somebody explain to us, for whatever reason anyone has to die for the king, just because being a member of the social institution? In reality, of course, legends are more beautiful and more complete from a logical point of view, but this isn’t revealed in the musical. And Lancelot himself from the legend has become a lover boy of the king's wife.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016