Bye Bye Birdie review
Bye Bye Birdie Review - Broadway musical
For a start, it is worth noting some "advertising" names of the main characters and the places where the events are held. Kim MacAfee, Gloria Rasputin, Sweet Apple. First – Antivirus (MacAfee). The second – a brand of strong 40-degree drink made of rectified spirit (Rasputin). The name of the town in which the events occur – is as advertising of Apple. And even with the prefix “Sweet”. Funny and scary at the same time, how many previously familiar ordinary things are now associated with trademarks.Second, the main character, because of which all the fuss in the musical – almost a total copy of Elvis Presley, who originally was worked-through not very deep. By the way, alike musical already exists in the world of show business – when a celebrity comes to the godforsaken town and makes its life as a great confusion and turmoil, which then calms down. Best Foot Forward – that's its name. Between them, all things are different, except of the concept. There is a famous diva singer who agrees to accept the jokily invitation of the local high school student, who invited her to his graduation prom. Here is no invitation – a star (Conrad Birdie) arrives in a small town, deciding to give one little local girl a kiss during his last concert, the last before going into the army, as well as Elvis did in 1957.
While he comes to town, it triggers a series of events – a local girl of 15 years (in the original musical), whom he should kiss, throws her boyfriend, after he kicks in the face this rock-and-roll star. Then he inciting a local company of young people, staggers, to go to a local bar, where he quickly found by the police and was arrested, and the parents took their teens back to homes.
Rock-and-roll stands at the first place in the musical. This show is another incarnation of Elvis, which is so much liked that about him regularly movies are shot, shows & musicals are done, his songs are still on the radio. This is not to mention the competitions, which are held like "who better imitates Elvis". Elvis has become himself an entire industry (black Elvis, Santa Elvis, dwarf Elvis and so on), and this musical is an echo of his popularity, which has come at least until 2010, when this was last time it staged.
A lot of bright colors displayed, in addition to the songs in a style that is so familiar to us of all. There still such timeless themes as teenage disobedience to their parents, parting with the girl (then making peace and boringly living in a small town with no hope of a bright future) and, of course, dancing. Dancing is bright as the youth can be, full of passion and luxury spray with colorful paints that make the sky bluer especially when you're young. The point of this story that unfolds on stage is not to show the plot, although it is here too and quite entangled, but to immerse the viewer in the atmosphere of the late 50s, the golden age of US.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016