Cover for Adding Machine album
Album lyrics:
  1. Prelude 
  2. Something to Be Proud Of
  3. Harmony, Not Discord Harmony, Not Discord Video
  4. Office Reverie 
  5. Moving Up 
  6. In Numbers 
  7. In Numbers (reprise) 
  8. I'd Rather Watch You I'd Rather Watch You Video
  9. The Party 
  10. Zero's Confession 
  11. Once More/Ham and Eggs 
  12. Didn't We? 
  13. I Was A Fool 
  14. The Gospel According to Shrdlu 
  15. Death March 
  16. A Pleasant Place 
  17. Shrdlu's Blues 
  18. Daisy's Confession 
  19. I'd Rather Watch You (Reprise) 
  20. Freedom! 
  21. Freedom! (reprise) 
  22. The Music of the Machine 

Adding Machine cast

Adding Machine Cast - Broadway musical

Adding Machine: A Musical.
Original music by Joshua Schmidt.
Libretto by Jason Loewith and Joshua Schmidt.
Based on the play The Adding Machine by Elmer Rice.
Directed by David Cromer.

Mrs. Zero
Mr. Zero
Mrs. Two
Mrs. One
Mr. Two
Mr. One
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

> > > Adding Machine cast
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes