Sound of Music, The synopsis
Sound of Music, The Synopsis - Broadway musical
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II in the Austrian monastery was a novice Maria Rainer. Young woman had a great love to life & activity. Because of this, the prioress asked a girl to rethink a decision to depart from worldly concerns. Young woman was sent to work as a bonne for Georg von Trapp – the captain of the Austrian fleet, who had 7 kids and whose wife died. Arriving in the mansion, a young woman was surprised to maritime discipline that has been maintained in the officer's family. His children were dressed in a uniform & executed the orders of their father following the special boatswain signals. Maria frowned upon seeing these methods of education & decided to instill a love to music to own wards. Soon governess noticed that 16-year-old Liesl had some mutual feelings to young messenger Rolf.After a month on the von Trapp’s villa came Elsa & Max. The woman did not understand why the captain still had not married her. Soon Rolf came on villa. When Rolf man greeted everyone in Nazi’s way, the girl's father angrily reminded a boy of his Austrian roots, not German. Seeing children playing in clothes made from old cloth by Maria, Georg was very angry. When the young woman excused herself, Georg forgiven her. Heart of von Trapp softened after the children sang a song written by Elsa. Maria prepared their performance. Soon the 11-year-old Kurt asked governess to teach him dancing. His father decided to show a son proper dance movements. After a girl danced with Georg, she was confused. 10-year-old Brigitta said a girl & Trapp seemed like lovers.
Hearing the children singing, Max invited them to perform at the festival. Maria quietly went to the monastery after all fell asleep. Prioress advised the woman to find out what the captain felt towards her. If he loved her, it was better for a governess to stay with von Trapp. Georg told his family about a future marriage to Elsa. Frustrated children calmed down only after Maria returned. Learning about the wedding, the woman decided to stay with them for as long as a replacement would be found for her. During the dispute about politics, captain proved himself as an opponent of the Nazis. Because of this, Elsa terminated their engagement. Georg soon admitted Maria in his feelings & they married soon. When on the villa reappeared Rolf, bringing a telegram, they all saw that he turned into a convinced Nazi. High Command ordered the captain to cooperate with the German Navy, but the Austrian did not comply with this requirement.
Having received no response, German admiral arrived to von Trapp. Georg said that he could not begin to work, as he & his children must shortly perform at the festival. Admiral agreed to wait until the end of the holiday. After the performance of von Trapp’s family, the jury began to distribute the awards. The victory went to the captain & his children, but no one came to get the first prize. Their family already fled & hid in a monastery, as the borders have been closed already. During the search, the captain & the Nazis with Rolf, who became lieutenant, came to inspect the abbey. Seeing hiding Liesl with family, the young man said that no one was in the abbey. After the departure of the Nazis, Georg, Maria & the children had gone to the Alps. They secretly crossed the Austrian border & left the country.
Last Update:July, 13th 2016