Myths And Hymns synopsis
Myths And Hymns Synopsis - Broadway musical
An elderly woman was in the attic of her house. She did not want to see anyone – even her own daughter. She arrived to transport her mother to the house for the elders. A house was put up for sell, and soon it was going to be sold. But all attempts of her daughter to get into the attic were unsuccessful. Being in the old house again, a girl reminisces about deceased relatives – brother and father. At that time, her mother was looking at the boxes with the old stuff. She was also lost in visions of the past. The widow remembered all her life, starting with a happy acquaintanceship with her future husband.As a young girl, an elderly woman met a pious man who started care after her. After some time, they married. Soon the couple gave birth to a boy and a girl. Happy childhood of kids ended when they got older. In adolescence, the son realized his true nature. It was then when the young man began to feel intimate attraction to other men. His pious father was shocked to find out his son's inclinations. He tried to influence him, using the Bible, but was unsuccessful – the fight against attractions of boy he lost. Having negative attitude to such love affairs, father moved the anger at his own child.
When the young man had died of AIDS, an old man experienced a huge shock. But his repentance was belated. Only now he realized that love for his son was the only thing that was important to him. After some time father also passed away. It was the second hit for wife and daughter. A girl also experienced a lot of problems in her life. She could not maintain long-term relationships with own partners. Her unsuccessful love affairs poured in extramarital abortions. The fate of the daughter was highly disquieting for her mother. She was devout, and understood that the girl had moved away from religion really far.
Left without a husband and a son, the widow was ill. Continuing to live in her house, an elderly woman constantly faced with the feeling of the presence of people dear to her. The situation has complicated in such a way that a house became for sale. But the widow has decided to fight for the memory of the past years – she refused to move to the home for the elderly. Even persuasion of loving daughter could not affect her. An old woman had to deal that her husband and son were no longer in this world. Only in this case she could leave her old house with a quiet heart.
Last Update:May, 16th 2016