Toledo Surprise lyrics - Drowsy Chaperone, The

Toledo Surprise lyrics

Toledo Surprise

The Tall Brothers:
Chop the nuts, pound the dough
Bake it up, nice and slow
Then you got a toledo, toledo suprise.

Mr. Feldzieg:
Now sell it!

The Tall Brothers:
Hit the peach,
Peel the skin
Mush it up, throw it in
That's a tasty toledo, toledo suprise!

Mr Feldzieg:
Now you're cooking!

The Tall Brothers:
First you beat it up
then you sweet it up,
when you heat it up,
if it tries to rise...don't let it.

It's a snap, try it folks
whip your whites, split your yolks
then you got a "split-edo," toledo suprise.

Mr. Feldzeig:
You boys are naturals, keep it up.
...a five, six, seven, eight.

Mr. Feldzeig...ohhh...what's going on here?

Mr. Feldzeig:
Kitty, I'm developing a new act.

The Tall Brothers:
Toledo Suprise!

You're putting gangsters in the show and you won't put me in it? They're not even in the union!

Mr Feldzeig:
Shhh! You've got it all wrong. The new act, it's for you, Kitty, and these boys are your backup dancers.

Backup Dancers?!? Holy Cats!

What that toledo, does to my libido
Could? Yes in deed-o.
Sugary yum yum...Suprise!

Squeeze the cream, grease the pan,
lick the spoon, fluff the flan,
make's you bust your tuxedo, toledo suprise!

Wait, wait.
Adolfo, he make announcement.
Wedding is off.

Tall Brother #1:
What? For the love of God, why?

Adolfo has made love to the bride.

Kitty, Mr. Feldzieg, The Tall Brothers:

Mr. Feldzeig:
That was not the bride you idiot, that is the chaperone.


Tall Brother #1:
The wedding is on!

The wedding is off!

Tall Brother #1:

Robert kissed a French girl. Her name is Mimi, she's very beautiful.

I couldn't help it Janet, she was just like you, only French.

Tall Brother #1:
Sweet mother of pearl!

Mrs. Tottendale:

Yes, madam.

Mrs. Tottendale:
What is all this commotion about?

The wedding, madam.

Mrs. Tottenham:
Wedding? Oh, I love weddings.

I'm afraid it's been called off.

Mrs. Tottendale:
Oh how terrible.

Mr. Feldzieg:
Yes! What a tragedy.
What a wonderful, wonderful, tragedy.
Clear the floor boys, I'll show you how it's done.

First you beat it up,
then you sweet it up,
when you heat it up,
if it tries to rise...don't let it.

Oh, Mr. Feldzeig.

Mr. Feldzeig:
...toledo suprise!

Mrs. Tottenham:

Tall Brother #1:
Wait till it's ready.

Mrs. Tottenham:

Tall Brother #2:
Wait until it's ready.

Mrs. Tottenham:

Mr. Feldzeig:
What until it's ready.

Now, it's looking ready.

Mrs. Tottenham:
Makes me twitch, makes me shake,
this dessert, takes the cake,
hits me like a torpedo, toledo suprise.

Toledo Suprise!

Tall Brother #1:
Toledo Suprise!

Tall Brother #2:



Tall Brother #2:
Uh oh, here we go.

Chop the nuts, pound the dough
Bake it up, nice and slow
Then you got a toledo, toledo suprise!

Then you got a tole-
Then you got a tole-
Then you got a tole-
Then you got a tole-
Then you got a tole-

Wait until it's ready, suprise!
Wait until it's ready, suprise!
That's a tasty toledo suprise!

Last Update: June, 10th 2013

> > > Toledo Surprise
Musical: Drowsy Chaperone, The. Song: Toledo Surprise. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes