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The Goodbye Song Lyrics > Shrek

The Goodbye Song Lyrics

Shrek: I'm going back to find this guy farquad right now
and get him to send you back right where you came from.

Creatures: yay!

Shrek: but first let me say (sung) goodbye.
Those are my last words, goodbye. Just don't mess up the house. Keep it clean.
No wolves in the bed! I'm leaving say goodbye to the land.
You'll go back to duloc, as fast as you can!

Shrek: (spoken) goodbye fairytale friends.

Narrator: and off he went.
Last Update: December, 16th 2013

Shrek Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Overture / Big Bright Beautiful World
  3. Story of My Life
  4. The Goodbye Song
  5. Don't Let Me Go
  6. I Know It's Today
  7. What's Up, Duloc?
  8. Travel Song
  9. Donkey Pot Pie
  10. This Is How Dreams Come True
  11. Who I'd Be
  12. Act 2
  13. Morning Person
  14. I Think I Got You Beat
  15. The Ballad of Farquaad
  16. Make a Move
  17. When Words Fail
  18. Morning Person (Reprise)
  19. Build A Wall
  20. Freak Flag
  21. Big Bright Beautiful World (Reprise)
  22. More to the Story
  23. This is Our Story (Finale)
  24. I'm a Believer

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