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Only Dance I Know Lyrics > Mr. President

Only Dance I Know Lyrics

My youth was spent in the Orient
Where they never taught me to waltz
You'd be surprised when I exercised
It was never done to a waltz
It was done like this
But never to a waltz
[1st refrain:]
In ancient Siam, women like I am
Indoors or on the street
No woman dances with her feet
Egyptian, Persian, only one version
No other stands a chance
Feet are for walking, not for dance
To an oriental fiddle,
You can see them shake their middle
The feet don't mean a thing
Middles are all they swing
Even an Egyptian mummy
Wiggles her tummy
Wiggles it so and so
That is the only dance I know
[2nd refrain:]
You don't need an Arthur Murray
Just a fringe that's on the surrey
Will satisfy your needs
Dancing between the beads
Everybody shake your torso
Sexy but more so
Shake it, come on, let's go
Let's do the only dance I know
Last Update: June, 17th 2013

Mr. President Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Let's Go Back to the Waltz Lyrics 
  3. In Our Hide-Away
  4. First Lady
  5. Meat and Potatos Lyrics 
  6. I've Got to Be Around Lyrics 
  7. Secret Service
  8. It Gets Lonely in the White House
  9. Is He the Only Man in the World?
  10. They Love Me
  11. Pigtails and Freckles
  12. Don't Be Afraid of Romance
  13. Laugh It Up Lyrics 
  14. Empty Pockets Filled With Love
  15. Act 2
  16. Glad to Be Home
  17. You Need a Hobby Lyrics 
  18. Washington Twist
  19. Only Dance I Know
  20. I'm Gonna Get Him
  21. This Is a Great Country/Finale

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