Lucy Meets Hyde lyrics - Jekyll & Hyde

Lucy Meets Hyde lyrics

Lucy Meets Hyde

I know you, don't I?

After tonight, my little love,
You will never forget me.
I am destined to be your guardian Angel
Your guide to salvation
In this world of madness.

So what's yer name then, sweet'eart ?

Hyde... Edward Hyde.
A toast to the night!
A toast to romance!
To those unafraid
Of taking a chance!

I must admit that I like yer approach!
It's one that I've not seen before!

Why should you settle for less, dear,
When there's more!

I am the man
Fate has decreed
Destined to be
All that you need!
I can give you everything you desire
You can give me all I need!

Sounds like a nice bit of business
Yes, indeed!

I am the man
Mark my words well
With whom you'll share
Heaven or hell!

'eaven I fancy, 'as no place for me!
And I can find hell on my own!

Like it or not,
You will never be alone!
After tonight, you will never be alone!
Last Update: June, 10th 2013

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Musical: Jekyll & Hyde. Song: Lucy Meets Hyde. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes