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Epilogue/I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change Lyrics > I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change

Epilogue/I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change Lyrics


Woman: And the Lord God said,
this is how the book of man and women shall be written

Man: Endlessly crashing into eachother like two vengeful bumber cars-
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou, Romeo?
You played it for her, you can play it for me.
My man done did me wrong.
Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
I got it bad and bad aint good
You make me feel like a natural woman.
She was just 17 if you know what I mean
Love to Love ya baby!

Woman: But above all else said that Lord God- The Truth is Eternal

Man: All ye good people of Earth

Woman: Go Forth With Joy

Man 2: Find Someone to love

Woman 2: Someone you think is perfect

Man: And spend the rest of your life trying to change them


All: Keep coming back
I keep coming back
I keep coming back to this whirlwind tour
Of loving, and leaving, and wanting more
I swear that I swore off of love before
Woman 1: But I,
Man 1: But I,
All: But I
Keep coming back
Somehow I keep coming back
Last Update: June, 10th 2013

I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Cantata for a First Date
  3. Stud and a Babe
  4. Single Man Drought
  5. Why? 'Cause I'm a Guy
  6. Tear Jerk
  7. I Will Be Loved Tonight
  8. Hey There, Single Gut/Gal
  9. Satisfaction Guaranteed
  10. He Called Me Lyrics 
  11. Cantata Reprise/Wedding Vows
  12. Act 2
  13. Cantata Reprise/Always A Bridesmaid
  14. Baby Song
  15. Marriage Tango
  16. On the Highway of Love
  17. Waiting Trio Lyrics 
  18. Cantata Reprise Lyrics 
  19. Shouldn't I Be Less in Love With You?
  20. I Can Live With That
  21. Epilogue/I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change

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