Hedwig And The Angry Inch synopsis

Hedwig And The Angry Inch Synopsis - Broadway musical

The story is focused on Hedwig (Hansel), who pursues a successful rock star Tommie. At the beginning, she tells about her husband and offends him. It becomes clear to the audience that she has a complex, because his talent eclipses her own. Then a viewer learns about the accident with Hedwig and Tommie and sees their story.

Hansel is a teenager with difficult gender identity, who was born in the East Germany. He reads philosophical books & listens to the rock music. A guy dreams to move to the West of his country. He wants to continue own life within the Capitalist world. When he is 26 years old, he meets American soldier. They lose their hearts from each other. The men decide to get married. It will allow the guy to leave communistic East Germany and to fulfill his dream. However, a couple should consist of people with different genders to get married, according to the existing law. His mother helps the son to change a name, makes him a passport & finds the doctor, who carries out an operation on a gender change. The surgeon intervention goes unsuccessfully, having left our fellow (known as Hedwig or Jadwiga) with a centimetric shoot between his legs — "ill-fated inch" that, however, hasn't prevented him from marriage.

During the first wedding anniversary, Hedwig learns that her husband leaves her for the other man. On the same day, she hears about the reunion of Germany and understands that the victim was in vain. She decides to get it together and create a female glamourous image. Hedwig wants to create a rock group. Hedwig works as a nurse. She becomes close to the brother of the child, whom she takes care of. They write songs, which make a big success. Hedwig is sure that Tommie is her faithful and understanding friend. However, the teenager gets disgusted, when he learns that Hedwig is not a girl since birth. He leaves her and creates his own band, which plays the songs written by him and Hedwig.

At this time, Hedwig earns money for a life singing in bars and cafes. She becomes more defiant and emotional. By the end of evening, she doesn't maintain and breaks from herself a wig with clothes and erases cosmetics. She sings the song like she is Tommie and apologizes to him.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

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