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Flora The Red Menace photos

Flora The Red Menace Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Prologue/Unafraid Lyrics 
  3. All I Need (Is One Good Break) Lyrics 
  4. Not Every Day of the Week Lyrics 
  5. Sign Here Lyrics 
  6. The Flame Lyrics 
  7. Palomino Pal Lyrics 
  8. A Quiet Thing
  9. Hello, Waves Lyrics 
  10. Dear Love Lyrics 
  11. Act 2
  12. Express Yourself Lyrics 
  13. Knock Knock Lyrics 
  14. Comrade Charlotte's Ballet (The Tree of Life) Lyrics 
  15. Sing Happy
  16. You Are You Lyrics 
  17. Finale Lyrics 

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