Bring It On synopsis

Bring It On synopsis

Bring It On Synopsis - Broadway musical

Campbell Davis gets a place as a cheerleader in Truman’s high school. Her first duty is replacing graduates. Campbell liked freshman Eve on the castings.

In the summer camp, Campbell tries to calm Eve and tells her that if she loses the position of the team captain, Eva will be the third in the "line of continuity". After Campbell reassured Eve, Truman School win the competition.

In late summer, Campbell learns that she is transferred to the Jackson High School. Despite her attempts to stay, Campbell sealed by the fate. Bridget is also been transferred. Amazingly, but the couple was struck by the performance of Jackson's dance team. Bridget is in a great favor in the new school. Campbell tries to show her talent to the team, but the girls from Jackson are opposed to her.

Bridget comforts crying Campbell and invites her to a cafe where Daniel works. Campbell tries to make amends, but Daniel remains indifferent. Daniel stands up for Campbell in the cafe, facing girls who do not like her. Impressed by the fervor of a friend, Danielle provides Campbell a formal place in the school team of Jackson.

In the evening, Campbell learns that "errors in her assessment" does not allow her to be the captain. Now Eve becomes the captain. Campbell suggests that something is wrong and comes into the house of Eve, where finds Steven. Campbell learns that the mother of Eve in the School Board and she takes decisions on the transfer to other schools. Perturbed, Campbell decides to take back her position as the head of cheerleaders at Jackson and to win the national competition.

Campbell wants to create a common team with Daniel, which doesn’t like such proposal. However, Campbell reveals the secret – the winner of the competition will receive a college scholarship. This convinces Daniel to take a part. After a few weeks, schools of Truman and Jackson compete at the championship. They were equal, but a team of Truman School won.

Daniel learns that Campbell lied about scholarships for the victory, so their conjoint work falls apart and friendship breaks. Sad and dissatisfied with her, Campbell realizes how far she gone being captain.

At school, the girls talked and found that friendship is higher than ambitions. At final school competitions, Truman wins. Randall comforts Campbell, offering her reward. With the departure of Eve, team of Truman school and Jackson’s celebrate the victory of friendship.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

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