American Idiot review

American Idiot Review - Broadway musical

This show played on Broadway for more than a year (over 420 performances), and went on a tour to Britain. Based on the very popular rock opera, explains in an accessible, interesting and lively form the consequences of being festive and laziness, if you are – passive personality, which has no spiritual wealth.

Three blockheads who are stuck in a small town, go against the system, and the system in turn, do not stand on ceremony with them – break them to serious tests, such as drugs, promiscuity gender relations and even war injuries for those who considers war to be a nice place.

Alex Nee name of the actor who played Johnny – the chief of the trio of anti-heroes, who, despite the fact that are friends, according to the plot, separate for a year, during which befall to ideological metamorphosis, did not enrich them nor change the direction and didn’t make them to be positive heroes. They remain the same strange and repulsive young people, but now each of them lived some experience and will remember its teaching for a long time, if not to the end of life (and someone has to live till the end of life with physical injury).

An interesting scene where large nurse flies over staying in the world of hallucinations Tunny, who is in the hospital after the operation after extracting the bullet and cut-off his limb – this is akin to the hallucinations experienced by second hero – Will – alcohol and the third – Johnny – from drugs. Maybe this story thing combines characters somehow with immaterial esoteric communication and it is this fact – such hallucinations – leads to their meet in one year?

Someone may think that this play is not tolerant of the girls, because they almost do not have their names – only the templates that are accepted by society as a common definition of quality of girls – among men – Whatshername and Extraordinary Girl.

In general, it turned a clever piece that you cannot watch with the whole family, not to impart the wrong postulates of behavior and even thoughts to your younger children, but you, as being the adult audience, will certainly be interested in this, for the overall development.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

> > > American Idiot review
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